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Build an MVP with the No Code Tool for Startups: 8 helpful tips

How many times have you had an idea to build something but failed to execute it because:

  • Limited resources and little budget.

  • Lack of technical background and programming skills.

In the world of Lean Startup, no one wants to spend years solving problems that don't exist, even more, if that means paying a fortune for that. You're better off building your product as early as possible and that's exactly why MVP is so important. So in this article, we'll walk you through:

  • What is MVP?

  • Is NoCode the right choice for your MVP?

  • Why do you need an MVP?

  • 8 useful tips to have an effective MVP

What is MVP?

Minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a product with just enough features for early customers to use, who can then provide feedback to develop the product. furthermore. MVP allows startups to quickly launch initial/test versions of their product and collect maximum amount of authentic feedback through their early customers.

Let us simplify what MVP is a little more.

You could call an MVP an unfinished version of the final product with basic functionality. In fact, it is a quick and responsive working solution to the user's problem. It tells you whether you have managed to confirm the product is suitable for the market.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) allows builders to launch products quickly and gather the most verified customer insights with minimal effort.

The definition of MVP has evolved a lot to fit the “Lean World of Startups”. Today, new technology products are not a novelty. People expect a minimum level of quality and they expect that from all products. You no longer need a minimal "viable" product. You need a minimal "great" (MAP) product to be usable. A product that has minimal features but stands out unbelievably. A product that values experience and functionality equally.

Why do you need an MVP?

The basic purposes of the MVP are:

  • Looking for a solution: you discover a problem and you want to find a solution.

  • Hypothesis testing: you think you have found a business solution to a real-life problem and you want to test it.

  • Distributive nature: your proposed solution solves the problem from start to finish. It doesn't go astray.

  • Improve the product: you start somewhere with the solution and then build on it. This allows you to improvise quickly.

Is No Code good for your MVP growth?

The consequences of implementing an untested idea are too unpredictable for you to invest tons of money. Then how should you build your MVP? NoCode to the rescue!

You can choose to partner with or do it all yourself. But the reasons why nocode wins all the alternatives above are:

  • It's cheaper, flexible, and repeatable than writing traditional code.

  • It's a faster way to enter the market.

While there are a few downsides to the nocode approach, the core purpose is for you to focus on the central idea and deliver faster. All of these are exactly what you want while launching your MVP! You can worry about automating, improving, and driving things after your idea is validated.

Check out 8 helpful tips on how a startup founder can build an MVP without coding.

Tip #1: Test ideas before building anything

In the early stages, focus on speed. Repeat, execute, succeed, fail; do it all faster. You don't even need to build anything to show your product value to users. Create presentations, explainer videos, quick and dirty design screens that provide value to users manually. Try faster routes to gather feedback. Improve your idea at this stage before building it further. Then build your beta user list with easy form creators like Typeform, Google Forms and keep nurturing your potential users

Tip #2: Do Competitor and User Research

Analyze the market and research your competitors. Read reviews from competitors' customers, test available solutions, run interviews. Identify user pain points and figure out how your product can stand out. In most cases, the solution is right there. It just needs optimization!

Tip #3: Set goals

Set clear goals and expectations for your MVP launch with collaboration tools like Notion and Miro. These goals can be as simple as:

  • What problem is my product solving?

  • What will be the measure of success?

  • How many beta users do I need for proper testing?

  • How am I better than my competitors and how can I prove it?

  • How do I decide if an MVP is a Market Fit Product?

Tip #4: Create a list of features and user flows

Identify 2-3 core features that can best help you solve the problem. Use familiar user experience methods to map out the user flow. Avoid reinventing the wheel for well-established behavior. Keep in mind that it should be the "minimal" version of the product, delivered in a matter of weeks.

Tip #5: Prototype Test

If you're in doubt about moving straight to MVP, you can always build and test a prototype. Prototypes are the basic implementations of the future project that are used to represent its essence. It can be as simple as a sketch or a low fidelity wireframe. Use them as a source of feedback and sometimes bait for investors. Figma is your best friend here.

Tip #6: Develop an MVP product with nocode

After defining features and testing prototypes, determine which nocode platform is best for your product.

Here are some of the tools and platforms we recommend:

  • Prototyping & design tools for creating shareable designs and clickable concepts: Figma, InVision, Marvel.

  • Website builders: Webflow, Carrd, Bubble.

  • Mobile app builders: Adalo, Glideapps, Bravo Studio.

  • Newsletter and email generators: Substack, Mailchimp, SendGrid.

  • Tools to collect payments: BuyMeACoffee , Gumroad , Stripe.

Tip #7: Use the “Build, Measure, Learn” approach

After building your MVP, measure the impact of your product to determine the highs and lows of your launch. You've set goals and expectations, so you know what to measure.

Learn by repetitions. Keep yourself in a constant feedback loop. Remember, the sooner you learn, the better! Having an Airtable, Spreadsheet or Business Model Canvas can help keep your studies organized.

Tip #8: Give it to everyone early

Don't run after perfection. As soon as you have your desired list of beta testers, make it available to users. Quick to market is better than perfect for marketing! Connect with your users through personal communication or email-enabled tools like Mailchimp, Hubspot or SendinBlue.

Building an MVP may not always be a process of effort and success. But it's certainly a cost-effective and promising way to move forward.

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